Thank you for taking the time to review several opportunities available to help our program. Our primary goal is to engage our younger athletes. We intend to create a fun and exciting match day experience as well as organize activities away from the pitch that will help educate our younger athletes about the many benefits of being a student-athlete and what is required to make it a reality.

Please fill out the form below, and we will contact you with available intern positions. We hope our local college students will use these opportunities to sharpen their skills. For ALL those interested, please feel free to reach out for more information!!!

Finally, we would greatly appreciate volunteers to help on match days to ensure we bring a fun and exciting match day experience to our community and players.

THANK YOU for your consideration of these exciting opportunities!

To Apply - Click Here!

Apply for a RAGE USL W Internship

Looks great on a resume!
Various internships will be available. Please contact us if you’re interested.

To Apply - Click Here!


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The importance of investing in women and women’s soccer has never been greater. By providing more opportunities to play, work, and watch, we’re committed to growing the women’s game for all who love it.

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